ANPR Homeland Security Systems

The majority of crimes and terrorist activities worldwide involve vehicles. In geographic areas that are experiencing a surge in vehicle related crime and hostile neighbors with leaky borders, monitoring and tracking a large number of vehicles efficiently becomes prudent for law enforcement.

titanHz works closely with law enforcement and homeland security agencies globally to create customized solutions for effective and quick policing of:
  1. Tracking gang related crime.
  2. Tracking persons and vehicles of interest moving across jurisdictions.
  3. Illegal immigration.
  4. Anti terrorism.
  5. Border protection.
  6. Collection of appropriate taxes and duties.
With the ever increasing numbers of vehicles using the roads in this country, and the corresponding congestion associated with the issue, more enforcement is becoming necessary both in the ‘on street’ (public highways and local authority car parks) and ‘off street’ (unregulated private car parks) environments. In the off street environment, the main concerns of the private Landlord/Landowner are to:
  1. Protect his property from unwanted trespass.
  2. Ensure that in protecting his property, legitimate users of his facilities are able to park unhindered in his private car park.

The Principle of ANPR Systems

  1. CCTV style cameras are placed at the entrance and exit to a car park.
  2. Timed photographs are taken of the vehicle itself entering and leaving the car park, and also close ups of the vehicle’s number plate.
  3. The duration of the stay of the vehicle is calculated from the times registered on the two sets of photographs.
  4. If a vehicle has exceeded the duration of stay either mentioned on the parking ticket or on car park signage (e.g. ‘Maximum 2 hour stay for customers only’), then the driver of the vehicle will be required to pay an excess parking charge (which will also be mentioned in the car park’s signage).
  5. If a driver does contravene any of the terms and conditions laid out in the signage, they should be aware that they will not receive a ticket at the car park site. Using the vehicle’s registration number, the operator will access database (with the Reasonable Cause of pursuing a broken contract for parking on private land) and send a charge certificate to the keeper of the vehicle.
Stationary Camera

Stationary cameras can be mounted on signs, street lights, highway overpasses or buildings as a cost-effective way to monitor moving and parked vehicles twenty-four hours a day. ANPR Camera (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is able to identify the pixel patterns that make up a license plate and translate the letters and numbers on the plate to a digital format. The plate data is then sent to a database where it is compared in real-time to a list of plate numbers that belong to "vehicles of interest". If the system detects a match, it sends an alert to the dispatcher or other designated personnel.

ANPR Technology
Stationary Camera

As with all methods of enforcement on private land, proper enforcement is dependent on clear signage that is visible from all points of the car park. Revised code of practice contains recommendations for the size, placement and information for private car park signage, including the fact that the car park is monitored by ANPR technology (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) and that DVLA with be contacted to obtain keeper details in the event of a parking contravention occurring.